Time for reflection – with podcasts as inspiration!

Time for reflection – with podcasts as inspiration!

Summer time is a time for reflection, getting new inspirationand potentially changing your habits. What better ways than to get into the habit of listening and get inspiration from Podcasts, the increasingly popular and easily consumed medium. 

On a quarterly basis we at Digoshen provide a list of a dozen relevant podcasts from areas as digital innovation, leadership and sustainability.

For the summer of 2019 our “Digoshen recommends” list of podcasts include podcasts as “Artificial Intelligence” with Lex Friedman MIT, “HBR Ideacast“, “Corporate Unplugged” with Vesna Lucca, “1Mby1M” with Sramana Mitra, and don’t the new season at “Revisionist History” by Malcolm Gladwell and many more.

Getting more aquatinted on how to listen, find and  organise your podcasts, you get more insights via the blogpost How smart leaders get ahead finding and organising podcasts

Explore the podcasts and let us know what you think. You find them and more inspiring podcasts at Digoshen Recommended Podcasts 

These interviews are shared both on my own blog www.liselotteengstam.com as well as on the blog of Digoshen www.digoshen.com, where I am Chairman of the Board.

At Digoshen we work hard to remove #digitalblindspots. We believe that Companies, Boards and Business Leadership Teams need to understand more of the digital world to fully leverage the potential when bringing their business into the digital age.

To understand where you and your company stand in relation to digital business and leadership progress, take our survey at Digoshen.com/research and get a free of charge personalized report with recommendations on how to move forward. The survey is anonymous and takes about 15 minutes to complete.

You will find more insights via Digoshen Website and welcome to follow us on twitter: @digoshen , our CEO @katycaroan and Chairman @liseeng