How Can Boards Better Guide Real Time Leadership with Harvard Professor Carol Kauffman

How Can Boards Better Guide Real Time Leadership with Harvard Professor Carol Kauffman
For boards and CEOs to effectively meet joint challenges, they must define clear roles, ensure frequent communication, share a unified vision, cultivate mutual trust, establish decision-making processes, embrace diversity, implement conflict resolution methods, and encourage ongoing professional development.
We are delighted to have the renowned coach, Harvard professor and Founder of Institute of Coaching Carol Kauffmandiscuss how some of the challenges can be handled by leaders in our latest podcast, and also meet with us in August in a presentation and peer exchange with the Digoshen Board Community.
Carol Kaufman introduces the innovative MOVE framework for leadership and shares strategies for strengthening the board-CEO relationships, fostering innovation and managing anxiety.
Find the Podcast Episode and the insights
“Shame is your enemy, and it will kill your relationship. So how can you be affirming and acknowledging to the person and create the bond of belief? And again, not the belief that they can do the job perfectly, but a belief that they can grow a growth mindset”- Carol Kauffman
In the podcast Carol discusses her unique coaching approach, emphasizing the importance of trust and leaders personal transformation. Carol also shares insights from her new book, “Real Time Leadership“, co-authored with David Noble,which offers leadership advice and business strategies. She presents the MOVE framework, encouraging leaders to remain open to new strategies.
The uniqueness with the MOVE framework is that it offers leaders and approach to handle uncertainty and fast changes and uncertainty. Kaufman explains the MOVE framework, where “M” stands for being mindfully alert, “O” for being an options generator, “V” for having the right vantage point, and “E” for engaging and effecting change. The idea is to rise above reflexes and remain open to new ways of doing things. The framework is also a useful tool for Chairs and Boards sorting out both own priorities and also when coaching the CEO and management.
Kaufman underscores the need for Board Chairs to foster an innovative, inclusive environment and build a strong relationship with the CEO, cultivating an atmosphere of mutual respect, focusing on their strengths and growth potential.
She also addresses managing anxiety at the board and in leadership, proposing strategies such as not absorbing contagious anxiety, promoting self-reflection, and treating challenges as collective tasks. In terms of coaching, Kaufman suggests a “10 of 10” method to guide individuals towards their future by identifying their strengths and creating a series of goal-oriented questions.
She stresses introspection in leadership, urging leaders to adapt, maintain role awareness, and continuously ask themselves guiding questions. She also highlights the effectiveness of questions like “How can I be of most service to you right now?” to initiate a coaching engagement. The podcast ends with Kaufman suggesting potential leaders to watch and ways to connect for more resources and insights.
“How Can Boards Better Guide Real Time Leadership?” – Event August 21
We are excited to announce a Webinar with Carol Kauffman and Peer Exchange on “How Can Boards Better Guide Real Time Leadership?” on August 21 at 16-17 CET.

Anyone with a Board Mandate is welcome to join the Digoshen Board Community Lounge and the event in August. Sign up HERE.
Institute of Coaching
The Institute of Coaching (IOC), based at Harvard McLean Medical School, aims to empower the coaching field through science to expand the consciousness and upgrade the well-being of the world, one client, one organization, one community at a time.
The IOC delivers professional development and community networking through conference, webinars, research doses, seminars, courses, discussion groups, roundtables, and a coaching library of 3,000+ resources. IOC provides grants to support promising coaching research and conducts research programs.
IOC also has an EMEA community, led by experienced Executive Coaches Richard Pfeiffer and Ramon Estrada. They lead specific monthly roundtables and a yearly conference. This years conference, attended by close to 50 coaches, “Unleashing Human Intelligence in an AI World” was just held end of June in Rotterdam, cohosted by IOC and Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University, and besides the two EMEA leaders cohosted by Hetty Brand Boswijk. Digoshen Founder is a Fellow at IOC, and attended the conference.
More information
You can find more about Carol Kauffman
The referenced book Real Time Leadership
More about Real Time Leadership Institute
Earlier Podcast Episodes
that includes coaching insights:
- How Coaching Benefits Board Work with Helen Wiseman
- Culturally Diverse Leadership with Karen Loon
and by other Harvard Professors
- Purpose and Profit with Professor George Serafeim
- Remove the Digital Blind Spot – Time to Reimagine with Professor Sunil Gupta
Learn more and explore the Digoshen Chatbot on AI Leadership for Boards
Upcoming events
Reserv the date for your planning: October 23 12.30-17.30 CET in Stockholm,

Presentations and workshops on
Boardroom Creativity with Fennemiek Gommer, Experienced Chair, NED, INSEAD IDN Netherlands, Anne Mieke Eggenkamo, Chair NED
Boards Governance of Disruptions for Long-Term Value Creation with Professor Mats Magnusson and Doctorate Henrik Forzelius
AI Leadership for Boards by Liselotte Engstam, Experienced Chair & NED, Founder Digoshen and Fernanda Torre, NED, Teacher Stockholm School of Economics & -Entrepreneurship, CEO Next Agents
In Collaboration with Boards Impact Forum

Find the Boards Impact Forums Events
About Digoshen
This blog post was originally shared at the blog of Digoshen, and the blog of the Digoshen founder
At Digoshen, we work hard to increase #futureinsights and help remove #digitalblindspots and #sustainabilityblindspots. We believe that Companies, Boards, and Business Leadership Teams need to understand more about the future and the digital & sustainable world to fully leverage the potential when bringing their business into the digital & more sustainable age. If you are a board member, consider joining our international board network and master programs.
Welcome to also explore the Digoshen Chatbot on AI Leadership for Boards and Boards Impact Forum, where the Digoshen Founder is the Chair.
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