Trust and Transparency needed for Innovation

Trust and Transparency needed for Innovation

Just back from a very interesting and rewarding visit to China. Now we are talking Innovation..!

Extremely impressive development in so many areas, we already have a lot to learn from China in fast infrastructure development, platform and AI based digital technologies and much more.

Thanks Carina Andersson for hosting us, and thanks to companies as Bombardier JV BCP, Mannheimer Swartling and PSU for sharing your valuable insights!

The obvious area we will have to continue to influence from companies and society from Europe is Transparency and Trust. 

We have recently seen the increasing loss of trust for institutions and especially in global media. Much of this is related to social media influences, where use and quality of data in the global world are at issue. The research from 2018 Edelmans TRUST BAROMETER reports that China has increased most of all countries in establishing trust, but still with challenges in businesses, government and the legal system. Most trusted countries are still from Europe and Canada.

I am proud to be involved with organisations driving the question on trust and transparency, as Digoshen, Tieto, Zalaries, S-Group, Transtema, INSEAD IDN & European Commission. As well with two organisations truly based on facilitating trust and transparency;
Aino Health, where i am chair provides a digital platform to reduce absence and increase productivity, involving leaders, creating transparency and trust, they now signed yet another agreement with the Nordic group Attendo. Thanks for that trust!
Trustrace, where I am senior advisor, a blockchain based company securing sustainability by creating transparency in supply chains. They are participating in Copenhagen Fashion Week and being part of the Innovation Forum.

Both these companies are smart, digital, sustainable and creating trust and transparency! Go check them out – maybe for your company to consider to use, or for you to invest in – so you also can be part creating trust and transparency!

Its inspiring to be involved in organisations with a significant purpose, and the need for trust and transparency will only increase – read more in this Trust & Transparency article.

Thanks all, for letting me be part of the journey!