Use Podcasts to stay ahead as an Engaging leader
Podcasts are a great way to stay ahead of the curve for engaging leaders on trends and insights impacting their business and leadership.
At Digoshen we like to inspire advancing managers and board members to take leadership in the digital age. Therefore we quarterly provide a new list of a dozen relevant podcasts from areas as digital impact, leadership, innovation and sustainability.
This third quarter 2018 “Digoshen recommends” list of podcasts includes podcasts as “Artificially Intelligent” “Innovation in Compliance” “NASA in Silicon Valley” “The Science of Where” “Workforce Health Engagement”, our own “ Exploring Leaders”, for entertainment “Revisionist History” and some more.
For guidance on how to listen, find and organize your podcasts, check out our lesson on this topic via the blogpost How smart leaders get ahead finding and organising podcasts.
Explore the podcasts and let us know what you think. You find them and more inspiring podcasts at Digoshen Recommended Podcasts